Has one candidate ever changed his mind on so many things as Mitt Romney? Did he receive a brain transplant sometime in January of 2007 after leaving office that made him a completely different person?
I hate Mitt Romney as a candidate. I'm sure he's a nice person, but I question the qualification to be President of a man who has literally changed one hundred of his positions between a failed Senate run, governship of Massachussetts and candidate for President of the United States.
Abortion? The pro-choice governor of Mass has had a revelation. Abortion is now wrong. I can sympathise with someone undergoing a natural evolution of views. It's nice to know someone can be convinced of the opposite view in this world of fixed political positions. But the shameless convenience of this position change. Romney has been involved in the political arena since 1994 in one of the most liberal, pro-choice states. It took him all the way up until the end of his term to change his mind? He seemed offended enough by his previous positions that he had been shocked into changing his mind, but nothing changed since 1994. If it was something that shocked his sensibilities - shouldn't it have been obvious from the start?
Illegal Immigration? He once thought it was impractial to kick out six million undocumented aliens. Now it's a national priority. And he throws a ton of dirt on Huckabee for being inexperienced and not foreign-affairs aware, but he's a one term Governor from Mass whereas Huckabee served for 10 years. And, oh yes that's right, Mass isn't particularly more engaged in confronting the potential threat from Iran than Arkansas. Busted.
And I'm sorry...double Guantanamo? I'm as much for strong national security as the next moderate, but two hundred million people shuddered when they heard about that comment. I wonder if one of the other candidates had jumped in at that point to up the ante, and I don't know, triple Guantanamo, Romney would have pledged to quadruple it to show his cajones.
Just. So. Stupid.
Concord Monitor you were right. This guy has perfect style but is completely phony. Blech. Voters of Iowa and New Hampshire, I hope you shut this turkey down.
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