Tuesday, 8 January 2008

The Votes Are In! (For Dixville Notch)

Dixville Notch, a town with inhabitants numbering in the...well, around 75, has cast its votes in the New Hampshire primary. The town prides itself in being the first town in the first in the nation primary, but their aim in recent contests has been off (unlike the fictional town that stood in for them in 'The West Wing', in the episode of the same name - Hartsfield's Landing).


John McCain - 4 votes
Mitt Romney - 2 votes
Rudy Giuliani - 1 vote


Barack Obama - 7 votes
John Edwards - 2 votes
Bill Richardson - 1 vote

Those candidates not named did not receive any votes. Interesting stuff, but it's a tiny hamlet near the Canadian border in which 17 votes were cast - so let's not get worked up about it! But for a hungry news media on the eve of the primary, ready to get stuck into exit polls and punditry, it provides a morsel of what's to come.

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